How To Rank Brand New Website on Google

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To put it more simply, Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of strategies and techniques to rank high on Google search pages. In addition to making your website user-friendly, SEO also involves making it search-engine friendly.

The purpose of SEO is to assist search engines in determining what a particular page is about and what it can be helpful for users.

With the high level of competition in the market these days, it’s imperative to get as high as possible in search engine rankings, and that starts with having an effective SEO strategy. However, many people do not know how to rank a brand-new website on Google.

Read More :How to Get Website On Google First Page Free

How To Rank Brand New Website on Google?

Let’s Geting Start How To Rank  Brand New Website Ranking on Google First page. It’s depends On SEO Which two types

  • On -Page SEO
  • OFF- Page SEO

What is ON-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is all about optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and get more relevant search engine traffic.

On-page refers to both the content and also the HTML ASCII text file of a page which will be optimized, as opposition off-page SEO, which refers to links and other external signals.

In this article, you will find several SEO tips on the page:

1.Get Started with Keyword Research

Keyword research is the cornerstone of SEO. You need to find out what keywords you want to rank for, also known as “targeted keywords.”

Start through thinking about which key phrases best represent your business, what you do, and what you offer.

This can be “dog food” if you sell pet food, “Dog Selling Company” if you have a local business, or “wood furniture” if you are in the furniture business.

But simply guessing which keyword to rank is usually not the best way to go. Yes, that’s a great approach to generating keyword “ideas,” but you need to analyze search volume and competition for those keywords.

This will help you estimate the popularity of your keywords and how difficult it would be to rank for them.

Keep in mind, now not all key phrases have the same value!

Fortunately, there are many tools that can help you get accurate data on each given keyword.

There many free Tools like Google Keyword Planner,Ubersuggest & Paid Tools are Ahefs,Semrush & Moz so on

Competitors are a treasure trove of information on what works and can help guide your SEO strategy.

Create a list of potential keywords, then prioritize them based on their popularity and difficulty.

Read :How to Get Website On Google First Page Free

2.Investigate competitor strategies

Many marketers rely on trial and error to find the best fit for their strategy.

But it can increase the learning curve and can also waste a significant amount of valuable resources.

The good news is, in most scenarios, you don’t have to start from scratch, you can just analyze the competition and take successful pieces from other companies’ campaigns.

Leading industry competitors have worked hard to get where they are, but you too can benefit from their hard work.

You should study these big brands and analyze different parts of their strategy to find techniques that you can use on your own. You can find a competing business site that sparks creativity or uses a strategy you hadn’t thought of.

Remember, you should never plagiarize, but you can find inspiration, blog post ideas, and other strategies that can be tailored to suit your business needs.

3. Best Keyword Targeting

Keywords are at the middle of a good SEO strategy. These are the search terms that people use when they go to a search engine to find what they are looking for.

Before you can start creating content for your website, doing keyword research is critical.

In a recent survey conducted by management, 78% of marketers identified keyword research as a high-impact practice for generating new traffic.

The research process enables you to better understand what your audience is looking for and create content that directly addresses these search queries.
Before creating content for a page or writing an article, identify 4-5 related keywords that you want to target. Incorporate these keywords as long as they fit naturally into the text and insert them into other elements on the page, which we’ll cover next.

The keyword  within the last paragraph is “naturally”.

Always write for the reader, not for the search engine.

Search engines are smart and can recognize when marketers repeatedly and unnaturally try to fit keywords on a page for the sake of SEO. This is called keyword stuffing and your website can be penalized for doing so.
Don’t compromise on the quality of your content because you want it to rank higher. As we say, quality is a priority for Google, so focus on producing content that is engaging and easy to understand for your audience.

4. Write catchy Title with targeted Keyword

When it comes to writing titles for search engines, the first thing you need to know is this….You only have 65 characters to write your title.
You could write the title longer, but if it is longer than 65 characters it will be cut off. You will see:

Here are some more tips to keep in mind when creating clickable titles:

Load your titles with keywords: you need to load all the keywords in your titles. Usually people only scan the primary two words of a heading.

Stay predictable – your headline should click on a page that meets user expectations.
Of course: the reader needs to know what your website is about in 65 characters or less.

Make It Exciting: Dan Shure wrote an excellent guide to writing titles, and one of his most important lessons is making his titles exciting. See his SEOmoz article. Are your titles irresistibly clickable and viral? for great examples.

5.Positioning Your  Kedword Within First Paragraph

The ideal place to put keywords in an article is in the first 100 words. There are many who take this for granted, but many bloggers prefer a long introduction before tackling a keyword.

This is inadvisable for the obvious reasons that Google wouldn’t find it very relevant in search results.

At the beginning of the article, the keyword “content marketing” was used.

Placing a keyword at the beginning of the article ensures that Google will more easily understand the subject and the relevance of the article.

6. Write clickable meta descriptions for each page:

Meta descriptions, along with the title tag and URL, are one of the most important and visible things that get people to click.

If you want to have access to your latest article and be effective on your website, make sure the meta descriptions are engaging and informative.

You must arouse the curiosity of the viewer within the limit of 150 words.

Remember that YOU will also click on a specific result after reading its meta description.

The same mindset extends to your audience. Pay attention to the meta descriptions and of course you will see the results.

7. Put your target keyword in the URL:

Since keywords are basically the backbone of on-page SEO, they need to be given a lot of attention. There is no reason not to include them in your URLs.

Inclusiveness has its advantages. By including the target keyword in the URL, you ensure that Google has a different reason and a different way of seeing your article as more relevant to a particular Key phrase.

8.Write Best SEO optimized content

One of the best things you can do for your website is to have high-quality content and thus it will likely drive a lot of traffic and improve your search rankings.

In a blog post about page experience, Google itself said that great and relevant content on a page is more important to ranking than page experience.

Make sure your content is error-free, keyword-rich, mobile-friendly, written to address the specific needs of your target audience, and includes valuable links to additional internal and external content.

9.Post Lengthy Content:

Studies have shown that longer content improves your ranking on Google. You should aim for around 2000 words with a minimum of 1000 words or more in each article.

This would inevitably lead to long tail traffic which would increase your website presence.

Not only does longer content add more keywords, it also naturally emphasizes information.

A message’s authenticity increases with longer text, meaning Google would recognize it as more relevant than shorter, concise text. Since search patterns are synonymous with long tail keywords these days, longer text also improves the probabilities that your post / website will rank more than others.

A message’s authenticity increases with longer text, meaning Google would recognize it as more relevant than shorter, concise text. Since search patterns are synonymous with long tail keywords these days, longer text also improves the probabilities that your post / website will rank more than others.

If you’re writing an article to grab people’s attention, it’s important to remember to do your research before you write the first word.

Make sure all the relevant information is available before you start. Good research leads to a style that results in full and complete writing.

10. Use LSI keywords in your body content

LSI keywords are synonyms and variations of your main keywords, which can be in the form of a sentence or a word. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are part of Google’s algorithm for understanding users’ search habits and providing users with the best quality for their searches.

The question is, how do you find these LSI keywords?

It is quite easy.

for example your main keyword is “On-Page SEO Techniques”. Go to Google and search for your target keyword and scroll down to the “Search related to …” section at the bottom of the page.

LSI Graph and Google Trends are tools that you can also use for this purpose.

Read More :How To Fix SEO Issues: The 13 Most Common SEO Issues Solving Guides

11.Target Less competitive  – Long-tail keywords:

Long-tail keywords are more specific (and usually longer) search queries than the more conventional “main keywords”.

Long-tail keywords generate less search traffic, but generally have a higher conversion value because they focus on a more specific product.

Long-tail keywords are more targeted and less competitive than short-term keywords. If you’ve just started your SEO campaign for a brand new website, I highly recommend that you focus on long-tail keywords.


The truth is, you can’t rate your new website with just one keyword. Trying to optimize your new blog to rank for “SEO” is hardly possible.

Look at the Google results for that keyword.

As you can see in the picture above, Search Engine Land and Wikipedia rank for the keyword SEO. There are 51,70,000 search results for this term alone. It’s a huge number.

Should we give up and exit?

Of course not! This is where long-tail keywords and the right page optimization come into play.
Target long-tail versions of the single word keyword “SEO”.

For example, you can target “Basic SEO Tips for Beginners” in your new SEO campaign. This long-tail keyword is less competitive than “SEO”.

Two things to remember are to make the keyword as long as possible and use Google’s Keyword Planner to find a relevant keyword for future referrals.

The question of how to improve search engine ranking is a very common question, but many of us overlook the importance of keywords as the main driver of traffic and ranking.

12.Write Always Fresh Content

Content marketing may be a huge a part of good SEO strategies. Users today want new, relevant, and interesting content, then does Google.

Update your old blog posts with new information if they’re ranking poorly, and flesh-out or replace thin content with well-researched, information-dense pieces.

Read More :How To Write a Blog Article In 13 Steps?

Outbound links are the main source of attracting more attention to your website. There are many people who make the mistake of not including links to other websites / articles.

Outbound links show Google that the article is valid and informative and that both are vital requirements for ranking. So, make sure that if you’re not, you add outbound links to each of your articles. Just make sure the links are relevant enough to your content and from high-quality, authentic sources.

14. Take Benefits of internal linking

Internal linking is essential to decrease the bounce rate and optimization of a website, as it links to the different pages of a domain together.At the point when the link juice spreads, the visitors stay on the site longer and the site traffic likewise increase. . Improves the user’s browsing experience.

Not to mention, it will also help decrease the bounce rate of your website.

Bounce rate is measured by the number of users who visit a single page and then leave the entry page. Easy and accessible internal links will naturally lessen this, as users will be directed to other relevant articles.

Furthermore, Google bots are designed to emulate user behavior patterns and evaluate your website. A smart and efficient network of links on pages helps crawlers find regions that users don’t visit frequently, increasing your site’s ranking.

Wikipedia is an expert in the use of internal links, which is evident every time you visit one of its pages.

They add keyword-rich internal links to each post.

However, don’t overdo it. I recommend a simpler (and safer) approach; link to 2-4 older posts each time you post a new one.

15.Optimize your image with Alt tag

Images and other Photos are great for your website.

However, you would like to form sure that they’re properly optimized if you would like these images increase your SEO ranking.

I’m talking about factors like file format and size.

  • Large size images can slow down your page load time, which, as I said, hurts your ranking.
  • Resize and  compress your images to optimize them.
  • You can also use your images to inject keywords by naming them appropriately.

For example,  you’ve got a web site that sells Mobile Accessories .

Instead of naming an image “bluetooth”, you can call it “Best bluetooth  for your Mobile Phone.”

You can also strategically use keywords in your image title, as well as in the title or description.

Outbound links are the main source of getting more attention to your website. There are many people who make the mistake of not including links to other websites / articles.

Outbound links show Google that the article is valid and informative and that both are important prerequisites for ranking.

So make sure to add outbound links to each of your articles if it doesn’t. Just make sure the links are relevant enough to your content and come from good quality, real sources.

17.Get Into Google News

News articles are pulled from Google in two SERPs: the traditional SERP you are used to and the News section.

You may not have thought of Google News as your traffic source, but keep my point in mind. It is a source of traffic!
Getting to Google News requires persistence, honest reporting, cutting edge articles, and regular updates.

When you’re ready to go and want your website to appear in the Google News SERP, here’s what to do:

  • Start a ” News” section on your blog / website.
  • Update it regularly (1-2 news articles a day is good practice).
  • Post authoritative, unique, original, and newsworthy content. To do your research, set up a Google
  • Alert for the keywords in your niche.
  • Informational articles, such as instructions and guides, are not rated. Each contribution must be up to date.
  • Don’t post aggregate content.
  • Every news article you write must be genuine.
  • The signature of each publication must be linked to the author’s profile, which must contain their contact details and links to their social media profiles.
  • Before starting your news feed, follow Google’s quality guidelines.
  • You must sign up for a paid Google account to become a Google News affiliate, as you cannot participate with a free account. The best thing to do is create a Google Apps email account, which starts at $ 5 per month (
    Finally, start posting and signing up as a Google News partner after you’ve created a large amount of content (at least 50 pages).

Yes, it seems like a slow process, but it’s worth millions!

18.Your website Must Have user Experience

Google uses metrics known as user experience signals to help determine web rankings. The most important ones are the click-through rate (CTR), which refers to the number of users who click on your site from a SERP, and the bounce rate, or the proportion of returning users.

To a SERP of your page (that is, hit the back button without displaying another page on your site). Google also tracks downtime, or how long users stay on a page, as well as its recurring visitors.

It all comes down to the fact that a high level of interaction with your site is a signal to Google that the content on your website is of high quality and useful.

19.Check Your Site Speed

A slow website is not only bad for the end user, but also for search engine optimization.

So a slow website can cause your site to rank lower in search engine results. This translates to less pageviews and less ad revenue or customer conversions for you. There are a numerous of ways to optimize a site for better speed.

First, you need to upgrade your hosting plan and rethink the plan you started with when you first launched your website.
VPS hosting is probably the option you want to use.

It’s “in the cloud,” which means it’s distributed across multiple computers, sometimes even hundreds. It’s cheaper and more flexible than dedicated servers.

Understanding HTTP requests is another way to increase site speed, as too many requests invariably slow down a page.
Then use Photoshop or Gimp to optimize the images you want to add to your webpage, because the larger the images, the slower the site speed. You can change the resolution without totally sacrificing image quality, which will keep your site interesting and smooth.

Plugin clutter significantly slows site performance by creating too many additional files, thus increasing load time.
It’s best to avoid using plugins whenever possible, and while it’s not ideal to get rid of them entirely, there are ways to keep the overall count down.

Review plugins regularly and use alternatives like adding links to your footers whenever possible.
In addition to taking up space, outdated WordPress plugins are often responsible for security holes because it is a third-party code package.

So try to minimize plugins for both speed and security.

Finally, page caching, where web pages store data, allows visitors to access that page faster since the database does not have to retrieve each file again.

20.Your website must be mobile friendly

Not only do you need a fast loading time for your website in the era of Google’s Mobile First update, you also need a mobile-friendly site. So check out how your website looks on mobile devices.

Try it on different types of devices, like Apple and Android. Is there something that doesn’t look right? Is there anything that makes it difficult to navigate or interact with your website?

Many businesses and owners think that their website looks great on a desktop, but they don’t realize that it looks less than impressive on a mobile device.

21.Your website Must Secured With HTTPS

Google places a higher priority on digital security and penalizes websites that do not use HTTPS encryption. You can obtain an HTTPS certificate for your website by purchasing one from a certification authority and installing it on your website.

22.Website Architecture can help Crawling.

Users ought be able to access any page on your site with three clicks, and Google may penalize your site for being too complicated to navigate. Try linking horizontal pages with related articles or linking vertically with breadcrumbs to guide the user to the home page.

23. You must have a site map.

A sitemap serves as a template for your site and describes how your pages and content connect. XML sitemaps are easy for Google and other search engines to read and can help them better crawl and rank your site.

Read More : How To Create Sitemap WordPress? Step By Step Guides.

24. Black Hat tactics only work temporarily (if at all)

Black hat tactics are SEO practices that effectively hack Google’s algorithms to temporarily boost rankings.

These include the generation of artificial traffic through paid subscribers or backlinks from a private blog network, as well as content theft or churn.

Google strongly penalizes sites that it detects engaging in these practices, making it better to avoid them.

25.Always Update With algorithm  Changes.

Google frequently changes its algorithms, which means that it will have to constantly monitor its rankings for changes.

Websites that already follow best practices are in the best position to avoid long-term downtime after a search algorithm change.

Good SEO requires a continuous investment of time and resources and should be a main part of your company’s marketing strategies.

As you implement more SEO best practices, you can improve your rankings while making your site more accessible to visitors.

This can set off a virtuous cycle that attracts more customers and backlinks, further increasing your authority, visibility, and profits.

What Is Off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO refers to techniques that go beyond a simple website. People associate off-page SEO with link building, but it’s quite that. The different tips related to this are:

The broken link building tactic is to identify the broken links on your business niche websites. The main goal is to replace the broken link with an active link pointing to your content.

This technique creates a significant SEO link building opportunity because no one wants to have broken links on their website.

If you find any broken links on the matic websites, you can immediately contact the website owner and notify them.

Since you’ll be doing them a favor by reporting a broken link, you can also request a replacement with a link to your relevant resource.

Of course, the replacement, your article, should be informative and useful to your audience.

Now the question is, how do you automate the search process for broken links? You need a tool to do it. In my experience, the best free tool for building broken links is Check My Links.

It is a simple Google Chrome extension. First of all, you need to install the extension in your Google Chrome browser. Once installed, it will appear as a small check mark icon next to the address bar.

When you click on it, it will immediately start to crawl all the links on a particular web page. If any link is broken or dead, it will be highlighted in red and the error will be displayed right next to the text (eg “404”).

Let’s say you have a “virtual assistance” website. Go to Google and search with one of the following search strings.

intitle virtual assistant: resources
inurl virtual assistant: resources
inurl virtual assistant: useful links
virtual assistant + “useful links”
virtual assistant + “resources”

To detect broken links, open all the results one by one and analyze each page using the Check My Links plugin. Once you find one, email the website owner about the broken link and ask them to replace it with their active page.

26. Skyscraper technique:

The Skyscraper Technique is a popular and effective method, introduced by Brian Dean, for improving search rankings and increasing the relevance of your website.

It has three stages:

Find a likable asset that you can use over and over again, an asset that is both informative and awesome. Authenticity is the “name of the game” here. Then improve what’s out there by lengthening your content with more relevant keywords. Finally, reach out to the right people – those who work in your niche and have websites similar to yours. Instead of randomly sending cold emails, it’s better to reach out to those who really have a reputation in the business. Linking your pages will give you a huge traffic boost.

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27. Guest Posting on relevant blogs

Guest blogging has the following benefits::

  • You get backlinks from authority sites.
  • People consider him to be an expert.
  • Referral traffic is pouring in directed to your site.

A. Searching for guest blogs via Google search strings:

Here are some search strings:
– write us “your subject”.
– your keyword + “guest posted by”.

Let’s say your subject is the virtual assistant. Go to Google and search for “virtual assistant” + “guest posted by”

Also, you can use Google’s reverse image search, use Twitter and Google to find more posts, and go to, which has a comprehensive list of the best blogs on the net.

B. It is important to research your target bloggers when you need to separate winners from losers and contact them by engaging them on Twitter / Facebook or via email.

C. Find an interesting and relevant topic on which to write a guest article. For example, a post about meat on a vegan blog site will be rejected, so it’s important to know what you’re up against.

D. Have a great speech ready to persuade bloggers to allow you to write for the guest post.

me. The last step is to follow up on every comment quickly and thoroughly.

28.Answer On Quora

Quora is a website where users generate content in its entirety. They post questions via discussion threads and other users respond to them.

Essentially, it is a Yahoo Answers-type social network that functions as an Internet forum. Discussion threads and replies may receive “upvotes,” meaning the reply was dignified and popular. The answers with the most positive votes are placed at the top of the thread.

Quora is ideal for:

  • Websites whose revenue depends on traffic (ad publishers, affiliate sites, content publishers).
  • Selling information products on websites.
  • Websites that sell products (SEO tools, children’s shoes, coffee grinders).
  • Bloggers who want to establish themselves as an authority on their subject.

 29.Commenting on the blog:

Blog comments help build backlinks, which in turn build traffic for your blog. Most of these links are unnecessary and therefore of little value, but the process is still useful. For new blogs, comments (user generated content) will help a website index faster. Comments help drive referral traffic to your blog.

However, it is important to post a valuable comment. Regular comments are the best way to personally connect with any blogger. While it may take time to create these connections, the site admin and other co-bloggers will notice, which can pay off in the long run.

Link roundups are updates curated and curated by bloggers that link to your favorite content for a specified period of time. Raids are mutually beneficial relationships.

It is very difficult to select content because it takes a lot of work. The bloggers who create these raids are actively looking for content to link to.

You can land links in groups. Over time, you will get full coverage naturally.

After introducing the blogger who organizes the summary, you need to connect on social networks. That way, they will naturally find out about your future updates.

I got backlinks from the link summaries.

31.Be active on social networks

While Google doesn’t have a lot of social media shares when it comes to ranking, you can actually improve your site’s popularity and traffic if you’re active on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter. The more links you post to your blogs on social media, the more likely people are to visit your blog, thus increasing traffic.

32.Promote your new blog

Promoting your blogs is important to let people know about it and to improve traffic. The more you promote it, the better the relevance of your blog will be and the more your popularity will skyrocket. Before posting your new content, reach out to an influential blogger in your industry.

Once your content is published, share it on social media and mention the people you have referenced. Whenever you mention someone, include a link to someone’s article and let them know by sending an email.

With LinkedIn, you can access an influential blogger’s inbox even if you don’t have their email address. Reach out to people who have shared content similar to the item you just posted, and if possible turn the content into a video to appeal to a completely different audience.

Read More :How to Start a WordPress blog for free for Beginners

33. Build Site authority takes time

Authority is a reflection of your reputation, which will take time to build as you blog, connect to other websites, and drive visitors to your website.

Depending on how competitive your industry is, you may have to wait six months to a year to see a major improvement in your ranks (assuming you have good SEO practices).

34.The “RELEVANCE” of your website to search Intent

User search intent is an important factor in ranking.Google places a high priority on showing its users content that is directly relevant to their keyword searches.

Therefore, in order for Google to even consider placing any of your website pages in the search results for a searched query, that page must contain content relevant to that query.

35.Follow the Google guidelines

those quality guidelines cover the most common types of deceptive or manipulative behavior, however Google may also react negatively to different deceptive practices that are not listed here.

It isn’t always secure to expect that simply due to the fact a specific deceptive technique isn’t covered in this web page, Google approves of it.
Create pages on the whole for customers, now not for search engines. don’t idiot your customers. Avoid guidelines to enhance search engine rankings.

An awesome rule of thumb is in case you sense free to provide an explanation for what you have achieved to a competitor web site with yourself or a Google employee.

Other beneficial questions to ask: “Does this help my users?” might you do it if search engines didn’t exist? consider what makes your site unique, precious, or attractive. Make your website stand out from the rest on your region. ”
These tips are absolute, because Google is the most popular and efficient search engine. when using their services, it’s far wise to observe the guidelines exactly.

To conclude, web pages can be important to our business and our reputation, however it is the keywords and, extra importantly, the rating that makes us important or no longer.

To preserve a name in the industry, it’s far crucial that your web page matches the user’s search criteria.

In case you are wondering how to rank on a brand new website, keep in mind that the 23 strategies mentioned in this article are vital for that purpose. in the end, what Google considers important or trustworthy is what the public accepts.
something that I ignored? Please write in the comment section.

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