How To Use Google Trends

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 The search engine Google has many powerful tools. One of the most popular is their Google Trends tool. It allows you to see what people are searching for, in real time. This is a great way to find out what people are talking about in your industry or niche, and how it affects your business.

To understand Google Trends, you have to understand what it’s really for. The primary goal of Google Trends is to help users find new content. Search engines constantly crawl the web, looking for new pages to index. 

Some of these pages are of interest to search users, and will show up in the results. Search engines like Google rank new websites based on how often they appear in the rankings. 

The number of times a page appears in the search engine is known as the Page Rank. The Page Rank is also a function of the number of page views a page receives.

 Trends uses the Page Rank to determine what is important to search users and predict what topics people want to read about. As you can imagine, pages that are highly ranked in the search results have a lot of traffic.

Google has Numerious Powerful tools for Marketers,Blogger,Seo Expert,Business owner like Keyword planner tool,Operators  & Google Trends tools. Among Theme Trends tools you can use various purpose totally free .Let is going to describe below How do use Google Trends

Here are some of the key benefits of Google Trends: Real time information Monitoring the search trends in your industry is an absolute must for SEO professionals. Using Trends will allow you to see how search terms are trending. In addition to this, you can monitor the fact that searches are most popular, using keywords. 

This will allow you to create keyword-optimised content for certain topics or phrases, so you are not wasting time on unimportant or irrelevant phrases. The more search results you can find that are relevant to your audience, the more successful you will be. Measures the relevance of keywords You can use Google Trends to determine which keywords are being used in different places on the web.

The thing about Google trends is that it’s really easy to use. Here’s a quick guide on how to use it to get the best information possible on how your niche market behaves: Go to google trends to search. You can also just type in the specific keyword and it will display all the relevant results. Click on the image that is related to the subject you’re interested in. In this case, I’m interested in keyword marketing. 

You can see all the relevant images from the chart below. Also, you can right click on the image and zoom in, which is what I’m doing. Look at how the Google Keyword Graph (in the bar graph) is graphed in terms of number of hits. How about the Proportionality Graph (the bar graph) ? Here you can also see how much the graph is affected by the keyword.

If you know anything about SEO, you will probably immediately realize how this resource could be a potential gold mine for you or any other dropshipping company, eCommerce store, or general business.

But if you still haven’t liked it, here’s a look at some of the reasons Google Trends might be the sweetener for your dropshipping business.

Some trends illustrate the use of specific search terms over long periods of time. With this, you can find out how the interest levels for certain products have increased or decreased over a period of time.

You can display these products (or trends you are looking for) in categories and know the level of interest in various products and services segmented by industries.

You can see how the demands for different types of things increase or decrease over the seasons. In many cases, this helps you cope with seasonal demands.

In some cases, you might be able to see how often potential customers are looking for your competition. Other information can also be obtained, such as where your rivals may be better than you.

In short, we don’t just talk about Google Trends to find products that are in demand. It’s also about gathering vital information about the location of your markets, your closest competitors, and the prospects for selling certain types of merchandise.

Before we see how Google Trends can help you make more money through drop shipping, let’s take a look at its most important features and how they work.

The Google Trends app provides options to display search terms by interest over time, interest by region, interest by related topics, and related queries. It also displays the most searched (or most searched) topics in real time.

Interest over time

Interest by region / sub-region

The subjects discussed are also worth mentioning. These are topics that get a lot of attention and get a lot of search traffic. If there’s a product on hand that is an escape, you might want to take a look at it before it fades away.

But this kind of “blow” rarely happens. If you are just taking dropship seriously or are working to change the range of products you sell through this method, it is best to compare long-term trends of viable products and find out which ones have performed best over the course of time. of the year.

When comparing, look for items that show slow and steady growth. They usually have trend lines which are not very steep but have an average upward slope. Also look for steep, sudden growth, like on a chart where the trendline has climbed up and forward closer to the present. This is usually a sign that something has increased demand for that product or interest in that brand.

You should also keep an eye out for regional trends displayed by the app. This feature could give you clues as to what types of products are most in demand in various regions. This information can help you tailor your shipping offerings to meet the unique needs of the people who live in these places.

Convenient ways to grow your drop shipping business with Google Trends

1. Sell products that people really want

With Google Trends, dropshipping becomes the delivery of the things people are looking for. When a large

audience searches for a product through Google search, it is a good indication that the product has a large pool of potential customers to whom it can market.

2. Carry out relevant content marketing and advertising campaigns

You already know that the demand for a certain product varies by region.

What Google Trends does is give you an idea of ​​these differences. For example, if you reach leads in two regions with ads, you’ll want to know how to allocate ad spend for different campaigns.

While Google Trends won’t help you with the exact sharing formulas, it will let you know the difference between the levels of interest in the two cities for the product you want to offer. This, in turn, will inform your decision on how much effort you need to put into reaching your target audience in each location.

Additionally, the tips in this tool can be used to drive more specific digital marketing initiatives. You can extract trending keywords from Google Trends and incorporate them into your online content. Combined with other SEO strategies, this could help your content get more clicks and rank higher in search results.

3. Offer  and promotions for specific locations.

Google Trends provides accurate information that is critical to the success of your region-specific marketing campaigns.

Deals are often designed to get more people interested in the products you sell from manufacturers and ultimately increase sales and revenue. But unless you’re bidding on things that people in the areas you’re targeting really want, you may not get the result you expect.

Taking advantage of Google Trends can help you get closer to your goal.

4. Get valuable information on viable markets and target audiences.

The trend lines you see aren’t just hilarious summary statistics. They represent the stories of real people – their problems, their hopes and dreams, their expectations, their search for a solution, and their scrutiny of the answers they think are viable.

These lines and graphs provide real-time information on the main concerns and weaknesses of your target audience, as well as information on the viability of a product and scoops on their preferences that you could leverage in your brand message to attract them to your products and services.

Now let’s say you are selling Nike shoes for women in your store. Google Trends shows that searches of this type are on the rise, which is a good sign. But now you would like to grasp what keywords to use, the way to name your product categories, and how to optimize a blog post on the subject of Nike Shoes For Women. A little trick you can do is take a quick look at the “Related Queries”, which are on the right side of the “Related Topics” section we just talked about.

Above the Diagram you can see 25 Querires.

Among the 25 queries, you can always see a colored legend. In the graphic above, you will see two listings for the color black. On other pages you will find white, blue, pink and green. For these examples, you can choose to create a product category based on color, such as “black Shoes.” However, you can also include these keywords on your product page and in the product name. “Women’s shoes” or “women’s running Shoes” could also be listed as a product category, as they have a search volume and make sense for that type of shoes.

While Google Trends is often used to improve your site’s performance, you can also use it to improve your reach on social media, especially YouTube. After going to YouTube and searching for ‘fitness’ videos, we noticed that the top videos use the keyword ‘2021 fitness trends’. So let’s connect this to Google Trends and see what we have.

In June 27 to July 3 In 2021 , this search term soared in interest. Obviously, the  Middle year added to the keyword will make it a popular search term at the beginning of the year. However, after returning to YouTube and searching “2021 fitness trends” in the search bar, we noticed something interesting. We will see:

All the best videos were posted in 2021. Why is this interesting? Because many times vloggers (and bloggers too) create content before the new year to stay ahead of traffic. But we found in the main results that the 2021 content ranked very well when released in 2021.

So if you’re planning to create a video focused on Fitness trends in 2021, your best bet is to post the video in June 27  to July 3 2021to take advantage of the data you find on Google Trends.

But let’s back up a second. Since we won’t know what the data is for the rest of 2021, let’s take a look at the “2020 fitness trends” data to find out what to expect for the next year.

Thus, we see that at the Start of 2021, YouTube users start to browse the keyword “ fitness trends”. And then we see that June peak that we saw in our 2021 image. But what’s interesting is that there are more peaks in  May and June, just before summer and just before summer.

How to capitalize on traffic during these times? Well, if you have an email list, you might decide to send an email in May and June to boost your video’s popularity again. Google will see that you are promoting your old video content and will likely reward you with a higher position for your video so you can get even more views. You can also use this strategy if you find that perennial popular video views are also decreasing.

 Content marketing is helping top online retailers get more traffic to increase brand awareness and get more customers than ever. Therefore, creating blog content for your website can help you expand your business. One way to generate sudden spikes in search traffic is to “refresh your content.” What’s that? That’s when you remove the outdated content, add new details, and republish the content on your blog.

How does Google Trends fit into this? Let’s look at seasonality again, but with a different purpose. Let’s say you have a Mobile Shop, you might have a blog post with the keyword “how to buy a Mobile.” Play these keywords in Google Trends and it will look like this:

What this shows is that peak season for this search tends to happen in January and July each year. Google trends seasonality on how to buy a mobileJuly of each year. Now of course you have to republish your content every time you start to lose your position in Google. This is a fact. But if you want to improve your game, you can also coordinate your content update around the peak season of the search term. 

So if you are a mobile shop owner, you can update your “How to buy a mobile a complete buying guide for buyers on the behalf of your shop” at the end of May. And doing that will shoot you to the top of the search results for that keyword. Perform this strategy on your best performing SEO articles and you will increase your website traffic quickly.

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