What should you avoid when developing a search optimize website?

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With the development of the Internet, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become increasingly important in the marketing industry.

Last year, the SEO industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.7% since 2015 to reach a value of over $46 billion.

But as important as SEO is, not everyone gets it right.

For one, it’s hard to optimize for humans and optimize for search engines at the same time. Keeping up with SEO trends is also difficult. Search engines such Google are continuously updating their algorithms.

You can learn SEO online for free, but that’s like drinking from a fire hose. There is a lot of information out there and very few people telling you what Should you avoid when developing a search optimize website.

A bad SEO mistake can damage your website ranking for a long time. So it is better to avoid SEO mistakes from the beginning.

To that end, here are the most common SEO mistakes to avoid in your website development and how to fix them:

1 . Not Using Proper Headings

When we start writing a blog, it starts with the title means the title of your blog. Most of the people write author on their blog so what is my title of this blog, this is the first mistake in term of SEO.

Always prioritize your blog title first. Take an example, you think you are writing a blog post on SEO mistakes and your primary keyword is “common SEO mistakes”.
So, write a proper title using your keywords, like Top 7 Common SEO Mistakes.

I think you know how important the title is because it is just like your front door name, visitors analyze your article by looking at your title.

If the title of your blog post is catchy then 80% probability of visitors to visit your blog post increases.
So it is important that your blog post heading is always better.

2 . Targeting the Wrong Keywords

Creating a website is just one of the first steps. What you want is for your website to be noticed. All SEO begins with keyword research. Because it’s not just about ranking your website high on search engine results pages (SERPs) for any given search term. You want it to rank high for any keyword related to your business.

For example, you sell sweaters in London, Manchester. Having your website rank for “London, Manchester” won’t do much good for your business (as impressive as it will be) because most people who enter that phrase into the Google search bar aren’t shopping for sweaters. In fact, many probably don’t even live in Leeds and just want some quick information on the city.

In other words, target keywords that are highly relevant to your business (in this example, “Manchester sweaters”). It’s about knowing your audience and what they might search for so you can build relevance to search engines.

You also want to stay away from highly competitive keywords (at least when you’re first starting out). These are keywords like “life insurance” or “auto accident lawyer” that many websites are already trying to rank for. Target long-tail keywords like “auto accident lawyers in Tulsa, Oklahoma” instead. You are much more likely to rank that way.

3 . Keyword Stuffing

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Credit :www.growth-hackers.net/

keyword stuffing is another SEO mistake for the newbie. This is when you load a webpage full of keywords trying to rank it high. But Google actively finds such pages and demotes them. So don’t try.

Google provides the following examples of keyword stuffing so you know what to avoid:

  • List of phone numbers without significant added value
  • Text block that lists cities and statements that a web page is trying to rank for
  • Repeating the same keywords or phrases so often that it sounds unnatural

Not only will you get penalized for keyword stuffing, but it just looks spammy. For example, who wants to read the following?

“Sweaters keep you warm. No depend in that you go, a sweater can are to be had handy while it gets cold.”

4 . Use Right Meta Description

If we talk about search engine results then there is an important part which will appear along with title is meta description. In most of the cases, people who have left off writing or who are using WordPress SEO plugin have set a generic meta description in the settings.
How interesting your content writing skills are is not enough, you need to write the short description of the article in the meta description tag . Users are getting smart day by day, if they are not clear with meta description then what you want to say in your article.

It is my personal request to all of you that don’t lose your ranking just because of meta description.

5 . Not Using Bullet Lists

Again a common mistake in content writing, not using bullets and numbering lists in breaking lines. According to SEO readability, research bullet lists are performing very well for user comprehension.

In your content, you use 3 or more lists and then break them down into bulleted and numbered lists. You also use the attractive emojis icon instead. Common SEO Mistakes, I personally recommend you to use Bullets in your articles.

6 . Content Formatting

Content Formatting is common term in terms of content writing but mostly for writer making mistakes in writing. It is not only about the title and meta description but it is also for your entire content how it is formatted properly or not.

How often do you use your keywords in the content and how many subheadings does your content have. They are in their proper place or you have put it somewhere in the blog. In a long-form game, you must follow proper content formatting techniques. Content creation can be a common SEO mistake.

7 . Reading Level

In some cases I see writers use high level, high level means use of words which are not easily understood by your audience. You are a well versed person in your subject for which you are writing a blog, but let’s consider people who have just started and read to learn something from you.

If you have high level words then they may not understand what you want to say. In this case mostly they leave your blog and your bounce rate increases. Google increased your bounce rate day by day and your search engine visibility decreased.

8 . Helpful To The Reader

In writing an article readers should care then you start your writing. If your content is not useful to your readers, then do not recommend them and do not convert them into your regular visitors.
A simple way to engage users with your blog is to play on their emotions, using emotional sentences to create emotion with your readers.

Just like companies selling a term plan do, they create fear before selling their products. In you, you are selling your content for more visitors.

9 . Work On SEO Audit

I have to ask a question, if you are sick will you work or will you go to your office, not at all. In the same case, if your site is showing some SEO audit issue and you have not fixed them, then your ranking goes down day by day.

you can use Ubersuggest  tool which helps you a lot to easily identify your website oysters. I am not promoting it you can use other seo tools instead.

10 . Publishing Low-Quality

Once you learn a bit about SEO, you’ll begin to realize that content is king, and you may feel the urge to publish as much content as possible to boost your SEO.

While that’s fine and dandy, it’s easy to be tempted to publish low-quality and unoriginal content so you can publish more. But don’t.

Less content is better for your SEO and your readers than bad content. Invest in good content by hiring skilled writers in English and graphic designers who can create compelling visuals. Don’t use “auto-generated” content by mechanically regurgitating what others have already said

Above all, create content that meets the needs of your audience. If you only post blog articles that are no different from the millions already out there, it won’t do your potential customers any favors. Write something educational, inspirational or entertaining and they’ll come back for more, which tells Google you have a quality site worthy of a high ranking.

11. Website Speed ​​And Optimization

What should you avoid when developing a search optimize website
Credit : wpvideotutorial.com

Again your website loading speed plays a important role in SEO ranking. You write an article on a very interesting keyword and you take every SEO step to improve your ranking.

Your page gets ranked on google search results then start loading speed basic role no link slow site. Visitors are very smart and they don’t have much to wait for, people leave your blog and again your site ranking goes down in search results.

And optimization is another part of this section because 70 to 90% of internet people love to surf on your mobile device. If your site is not optimized for mobile, then again you lose your ranking.

12 . Ignore mobile compatibility

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Credit :landerapp.com

Did you know that mobile devices account for more than half of global internet traffic? That’s right. People use their phones greater than they use their computers to browse the web. This is why Google now considers mobile-friendliness in its ranking algorithms.

Optimizing your website for desktop use best might be a mistake. It should load quickly on mobile devices, fit images to different screen sizes, and have an overall mobile-friendly design. Not sure if your site not suit this description? Run a free mobile-friendly test to find out.

Another beginner SEO mistake is following low-quality backlinks. A backlink (aka inbound link) is a link to yours from another website. Search engines see backlinks as a signal of authority. They are like votes for your site. The higher your site, the more valuable it is in the eyes of Google.

But this only applies to backlinks from Trusted and reputable sites. Backlinks from spammed sites will only lose your ranking. So focus on quality over quantity. Never use link schemes or blackhat tactics, where you pay for backlinks from a site that you may or may not have anything to do with.

You want backlinks from relevant and authoritative sites. An easy way to find out if a site is high-ranking is to check its domain Domain Authority and Page Authority. A good domain authority checker tool will do the job in few seconds. Already have few low quality backlinks?

14 .Poor site structure

In order to index your website, search engines must first understand its structure (ie how your web pages relate to each other). For example, you might have a home page, a few service pages, an about page, a contact form page, and a blog with multiple articles. You need to structure them logically with an XML sitemap so that Google can understand how your site is organized. Otherwise, Google will take longer to index and rank your site.

A word of warning here: don’t overdo internal links. These are links from one page on your site to another that can help Google understand how different pages are related and which are most important (like the homepage), but if you include too many they can be overwhelming and actually hurt your SEO ( (especially if you link internally to irrelevant pages).

Also, pay closer attention to URL structure. Keeping a simple short URL structure helps Google index and rank your site more easily and quickly.

15 . Not Leveraging Web Analytics

Finally, an effective SEO strategy needs to involve web analytics. Web analytics refers to capturing, measuring and approximately who visits your site. Without it, you might not understand how a great deal your search engine marketing efforts are paying off.

You can use web analytics to compare your site with your competition. It helps you see what’s working and what’s not for your competitors so you can adopt. This is very important because the SEO industry is always changing.

Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to regularly evaluate your SEO efforts and make sure you’re making progress.

16 . Not Using Proper Images

When you use images to support your main message it will in turn grab the reader’s eye and attention. This doesn’t mean you have to go image crazy, you just have to make sure you use moderate images.

Too many images will make your website look cluttered to the reader and can slow down your page load speed which will negatively impact your SEO.

So always try to compress and use good quality images in your posts, this will increase both page loading speed and SEO ranking of your blog site.

17 .Not Post Lengthy Article

For SEO, the ideal blog post length should be 2,100-2,400 words, according to HubSpot data. We averaged the length of our 50 most-read blog posts in 2019, which averaged 2,330 words.

Individual blog posts ranged in length from 333 to 5,581 words, with an average length of 2,164. Of course, it really all boils down to the subject of your information. We can all agree that you probably don’t need a 2,000-word article on how to bold text on a webpage.

18 .Not Use Short Paragraph In Article

Keep your paragraphs short and sweet. Also, make them easy to read. Try to leave extra space between each line to avoid crowding. Most SEO experts recommend keeping paragraphs to 3 to 4 sentences in length and less than 20 words.

19 . Script

Placing user scripts such as Java in an external file will make your site easier for the user to read If you still want to use JavaScript without putting the code in an external file, see below for some performance improvements and faster page load times on your website.

Final thoughts What should you avoid when developing a search optimize website

If you are giving your valuable time to write any blog then do not do common SEO mistakes. Please follow my every instruction you are doing your SEO.

Try purchasing cloud hosting with CND for website loading speed and use AMP along with mobile-friendly themes to optimize your website.

Thank you very much for giving your valuable time to read my article, please give your opinion whether it is of full use to you or not.

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