What Is The Use Of WordPress?

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WordPress is a well-known platform used for the design of websites or blogs for free or at a very low cost through which you will be able to create and develop all kinds of web pages in a simple way without the need to use programming.

WordPress allows you to establish your own web space, which will positively impact the growth of your blog, corporate website or online store, among others.

In a few words, WordPress provides all the tools in an intuitive way to create dynamic web pages , with current designs, adaptable to any device and best of all, using it is very easy. Next we will tell you what is the use of WordPress Everything!

Meet WordPress

Currently, more than 43% of websites have been created with WordPress , placing it as the first content manager used by everyone.

Its fame is due to the fact that it is open source software and that it allows access to the source code, so that the most experienced can make the changes they want.

However, if you have no programming experience and the world of code is too abstract for you, no problem!

The WordPress interface will allow you to create a complete website like an expert, so using it is very easy and here we will explain how you can use it without complications.

What Is WordPress?


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The WordPress platform worldwide is considered one of the most important systems for the creation of web pages and this is thanks to the progress and involvement that it has had in recent years.

This CMS (content management system – content management system) operates under the GPL license , which belongs to the world of free software allowing people and organizations to use, study, share and modify the software for greater growth.

WordPress has become a huge community where any question you have will be answered.

If there is something that characterizes WordPress, it is its ease of use, everyone can have a professional website in a simple way.

Many users have already created their websites on this platform thanks to its popularity, performance, customization options, security, and reliability.

In addition, it has a wide variety of themes and plugins that can be used with the greatest ease so that you can create your online site in a comfortable, flexible and creative way; and where limits do not exist.

Everything can be created with WordPress and its design system and web functionalities are magnificent.

Although WordPress has been growing fastly for a few years, its success has not come overnight, let’s see why it has grown so much.

Read More : Why To Use WordPress to Create a Website?

History of The WordPress

At his young age, 18 years old, Matt Mullenweg , the transcendental founder of WordPress, began to use the b2/cafeblog system and as a user, he saw the absences that it showed, so he began to contribute with his own code for its improvement.

In 2003 , to continue positively transforming everything related to web platforms, Mullenweg decided to have its source code to create something new and innovative. And there he would start what would be, later, WordPress.

The most curious thing was that he decided to enter the online market by offering his services for free , compared to his competitors who were increasing their services in the creation of websites every day.

It should be noted that the original name of this platform was Mullenweg’s idea after a recommendation from a friend named Christine Selleck. And so what is known today as WordPress was born.

A curious fact is that the versions created from this platform have a curious anecdote, since the names given to the different versions that are released to the market are based on famous jazz musicians.

Mullenweg and Mike Little were the founders of the project , however due to its growth, he had some developers who helped him push this huge one even further.

In this way, Dougal Campbell, Mark Jaquith, Donncha Ó Caoimh, Andy Skelton, Michel Valdrighi and Peter Westwoods created what is today the most popular platform where you can create a website.

Here you can see the survey that W3techs does on the use of content managers (CMS) on the Internet.

What is the use of WordPress?

WordPress is used for different purposes , it all depends on what you are looking to create on the web.

Many associate it with creating a blog , but with its tools you have the possibility to create much more than that.

It has a friendly graphical environment , this means that you will be able to use it easily, since it will clearly indicate in an understandable language what you can do.

Therefore, in WordPress you can perform:

  • Blogging.
  • Corporate web.
  • Online stores.
  • Informative website and much more.

Previously, to do all this you had to have knowledge of programming codes, which would allow you to come up with what you wanted to show. But, with WordPress , all you have to do is press a button and you’ll save yourself lines of code and other complicated stuff.

Also, for those programmers who want to give an extra touch to the code of the page, WordPress has its HTML version that shows the complete code of the site.

What are the websites you can create with WordPress

With the versatility that WordPress has , thinking that it only works to make basic and simple websites is a mistake, because it offers its users the opportunity to make websites like:

Online magazines and newspapers

If you have in mind to make a content website that is updated , dynamic and easily accessible, with WordPress you can achieve it!


For those who want to have a website where they can display original content, organized into categories, with a comment section and adapted to any electronic device , WordPress is undoubtedly the perfect tool …

Corporate web

WordPress is not limited to make specific web projects, because with WordPress we can create any website, as well as corporate websites.

Companies currently want to have a presence on the web , in order to be available 24 hours a day to their users. In that case, WordPress gives the opportunity to create a complete site to meet this goal.

You will be able to configure different sections of your website to show all the corporate information , and also if you have a dynamic template you will have better results.

In most cases, corporate websites contain pages such as: Home, services, who we are, contact and blog.

These pages can be created in a simple and well-crafted way using WordPress.

informative website

WordPress , with the help of plugins and templates, gives the opportunity to have a website that provides all the information you want and organized by tags, including event calendar, weather, videos and more.


If you want to build a community then forums are ideal. WordPress and the bbPress plugin allow a discussion forum to be included on a site, where users can give their opinion on a topic.

If you are thinking of creating a forum, then WordPress and bbPress is recommended for this type of project.

Online store

If it is true that there are CMS specialized in electronic commerce, in WordPress you have plugins like WooCommerce, which will give you everything you need to have a first-rate online store.

Thanks to this plugin called WooCommerce and WordPress we can have an online store with all the features we expect to find, such as:

Creation of simple products, organize products by category, shopping cart, taxes, various payment and shipping systems and among others.

What comes to mind

If you are a programmer with knowledge of the PHP programming language and you know how to handle the MySQL database, then you can create whatever you want in WordPress.

WordPress and the plugins it has for you

Plugins in the web world are also known as extensions, add-ons or applications , which give you the opportunity to add a specific component to your website.

In WordPress you have an extensive catalog of plugins that will serve you at all times, in addition to the fact that most of them are free.

The best known is WooCommerce , which allows you to add elements of a virtual store, however, you can also use it for specific purposes such as collaborations, product purchases and more. It all depends on what you want to do on your website.

Among the plugin options that WordPress has for you, we have:

  • Events calendar: in them you can configure events with information, images, videos, links, add organizers and include a map to get to the site.
  • Weather: you will show the weather in real time in the area of ​​your choice, by day, week or month.
  • Slideshows: You have the opportunity to make a presentation of images or content that changes automatically.
  • Connection with social networks: with these plugins, the users of your website will be able to go directly to your social networks, you can also show the number of followers you have in each network.

These are some of the plugins that you can get on WordPress , however when you do the search, you will see that there are a large number of options that will suit your tastes. By having them all, now you only have to choose the template for your design.

Read More :15 Best Free SEO Plugins for WordPress 2022

WordPress Community

WordPress acts positively in the community because it is a free platform, scalable and accessible to different communities, thus giving greater growth to each person who wants to open a website for a business.

To get even closer to this platform, all people interested in the CMS can go to Word camps in many cities where talks and conferences are given.

The community is in charge with its constant contributions to make WordPress very secure . Being a widely used cms, attacks are frequent.

In short, thanks to the great community, WordPress continues to grow more and more.

WordPress templates

WordPress templates are also called themes, and they are specific to the design of your website, in addition to showing how it will look on different electronic devices, making your page fully adaptable.

With WordPress templates you have a preset design: you can change colors, fonts, sizes and more in a very easy way.

This gives you the opportunity to make the entire web design with just a few clicks, and best of all, these changes do not affect the content of the site.

Changing the header, footer, menu, categories, and other spaces that you have configured on your website will be very easy , in addition to the fact that in WordPress you have many options that are totally free.

However, we should mention that free templates are usually a bit limited in the variety of changes they offer.

For those with programming experience, they will be able to use CSS to do in-code customizations directly.

Also, to all those who want to create a complete website, we advise you to learn the basics of programming in HTML and CSS code; in this way they can solve any problem within the page.

How to easily install WordPress

Before doing the WordPress installation , you must have a hosting. In short, it is a place where all the information from our website will be stored.

There are hosting that are very cheap and you only have to choose a server that is current, in addition to allowing you to handle PHP and MySQL with total freedom.

After having the hosting, we proceed to do the installation, this will happen in a few minutes thanks to the WordPress installation wizard .

You have to download this installer and then unzip it in the upload path of the website. Then, within the page where your WordPress files are, you start the installer.

In the process you have to include data such as the name of the web , database connection, and administrator, the best thing is that the creation of a database is not necessary.

The WordPress installer will guide you through the process, and after a few minutes you will be able to create the complete web page by choosing the type of site within the control panel , adding the template and plugins you need.

Read More : 15 Things To Do After Installing WordPress

How does WordPress work?

Now we will learn about how WordPress works

  • First things first, you must register a domain either with the extension .com, .org or .net and after registering your domain you must hire a professional hosting.
  • Next, you will have to install WordPress automatically on your hosting that you have contracted. You can learn this step in this tutorial, where I explain in great detail about how to install WordPress on a professional Hosting.
  • After installing WordPress is your Hosting, now we must make a general configuration to your WordPress, as well as: modify the title of the site, permanent links and among others.
  • For the design of the website, that is, for its appearance, you have to install a theme or template from the official WordPress repository. Also, WordPress comes with a ready-to-use theme by default, but you have the freedom to choose other themes and install them on your WordPress from their WordPress repository.
  • If you need extra features on your website, then you have to go to Plugins and install on your WordPress.
  • Now, to create pages and articles for your website, you have to use WordPress tools like: Pages and Posts.

Use WordPress like a pro

To use WordPress like an expert , you don’t need much knowledge; As we have explained to you, this CMS is very intuitive and will clearly tell you where to look to create the content you want.

In addition, here we will give you some tips that will make your website the best of all , with many visits and profits, to have all this it is important that your website contains:

  • woocommerce

This plugin is very important, and you will ask yourself: if my site is informative, what can I sell? As a suggestion, on many websites they give an opportunity to make donations for the editors, so don’t miss the opportunity to generate money.

  • On-page SEO

website is not just the design: with a good architecture, use of keywords and valuable content, you can appear first in the most important search engines.

Using Google tools is vital and in WordPress you can do it without difficulty, this will help you with site analytics, error analysis and monetization.

In addition, applying the e-mail marketing strategy will generate loyalty in your visitors, since you will demonstrate that your content is always updated.

  • Improve loading time

To achieve this, you only have to download plugins that are time optimizers: the faster your website is, the better the user experience will be.

With these WordPress tips, you will certainly be a pro at building websites. All these points are important, so do not overlook any so that you create a successful project.

Read More :

Create professional projects in WordPress

You already have everything to create your website as a professional programmer, however, it is good that you keep in mind that a project is not only the website.

Before starting your CMS, you must be clear about the objectives of your project , taking into account details such as the amount of storage you need, budget and type of design you want to apply.

As we mentioned, WordPress is open source , but, in order for your site to appear on the web, you must pay an amount of money in hosting.

Also, if you want to have access to more features, it is better that the server is from the same WordPress.

In this way, you will be able to develop a complete project , with good support, storage, varied options and access to more features than those offered in the free version.

WordPress offers the world a simple vision of the creation of websites, that is why for several decades it has been the most used CMS by all , having at least 40-50% of the websites created today.

Not only is it great for people who don’t have a smattering of advanced programming, it’s also an amazing choice for professionals who work directly with code.

If you have in mind to create a web project from scratch, we recommend using WordPress , its templates and the variety of plugins to have an incredible result, placing you in the top positions of the most used online search engines.

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