How to choose a domain name for Blog-10 Keys factors Remind

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It may not seem like much, but choose a domain name for blog is vital and one of the first steps in building a brand’s digital presence. If you are wondering how to choose a domain name for blog, or even how to choose the perfect domain for your website blog or business, keep reading. Here you will find 10 tips to register the best domains and avoid frequent mistakes.Do not miss it!

How to choose a domain name for blog?

As you know, the web domain is a unique name that identifies an Internet page . Through the domain name, users can enter your website in a simple and memorable way. Without it, a website could only be accessed through an IP address (made up of numbers like 32.564.175.32).

The domain name is, in other words, the identity of your company on the Internet. Thinking and registering your own domain is the first step to have a website and work on the digital presence of a brand.

In addition, having your own domain ensures that another brand will not be able to use it once you have registered it (that is why it is important to do it soon and avoid someone else anticipating you).

The generic structure of domain names is . It is made up of the https and www protocol , the domain name as such and the extension , which can be global (.com, .net) or territorial (such as .mx, .es, .ar, etc.).

Therefore, when registering a domain, there are two decisions you must make:

  1. What will be the name , which you can freely decide as long as it is between 2 and 63 characters
  2. What will be the domain extension (you can choose between different varieties according to your needs)

Given this, it is perfectly normal for you to have doubts: Which domain is better? What domain name to choose? Which domain extension to choose?

Choosing the perfect domain is something that can take you hours, or even days, of research and it is not an exaggeration to say that, in some circumstances, making the wrong decision can ruin your business goals.

Therefore, here are the best tips for choosing a domain name and not making mistakes in the first big step of your digital identity.

10 tips for choose a domain name for blog

1. Always use the name of your brand or project as it is

The best advice you’ll find for registering a good domain is to make it identical to your brand name . That, neither more nor less.

Do not put extra characters, or add words, or modify something. If your brand is called hexafoam , let your domain be . Nothing from, nor or This is not a casual email account and if you change the syntax of your brand many potential customers may not find you or mistrust the website.

2. Include the name of your business or industry

In addition to the previous advice, to keep the name of your brand or project as it is, you can include your category or industry . If, for example, you sell foam, you can register a domain .

This will help you to better position yourself in search engines, since your niche is always a keyword that you should use, especially in the web domain.

3. Keep it short, simple and easy to pronounce

Remember that one of the main purposes of the domain is to be memorable and recognizable for users. Therefore, the shorter and simpler, the better.

  • Short : preferably no more than 15 characters. However, if your brand name is long, it is never recommended to cut it down to meet that limit.
  • Simple – No hyphens, underscores, or complicated words.
  • Words Only – Avoid using numbers unless absolutely necessary (for example, if it’s part of your brand name, like
  • Predictable – No weird spellings and a recognizable extension.

Meeting these requirements makes your domain easy for users to memorize and improves the experience for your visitors.

how to choose a domain

4. Use the .COM extension

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Whenever possible, try to make your domain .COM .

Technically speaking, .com is just one of the many domain name extensions (TLDs) that are available. Some of the other popular options are .net, .org, .co, .edu, .biz, .shop, or .blog .

And while all those TLDs are tempting, getting the classic .com is almost always the right thing to do. And this for two reasons:

a. People are more familiar with .com domains than any other; by default they will write “.com” in the browser’s address bar and are unlikely to remember your extension if it is different. Everyone will always assume that a website is a .com.

b. The .com extension is used by approximately 47% of all websites .

5. Also include your territorial extension

If your brand, project, or business is intended to serve a local audience , consider going with a local TLD or extension .

For example, if you want to create a blog focused on the Colombian market, a .co domain would be ideal for you; or if you are going to create a company in Mexico, a .mx domain is the most convenient.

Doing this will signal to search engines that your content is especially relevant to a country and will increase user trust by making it clear that you are a local business.

However, it is not necessary that you limit yourself to the territorial extension, you can opt for a .com plus the local TLD, which derives, for example, in,,, etc.

6. That the domain is in your name

Make sure that the domain registrar guarantees that your domain is registered in your name and not in the name of the brand that provides it to you.

Some domain registration companies first register it in their own name but it is essential that it is then in the name of the owner of the domain.

7. Consider buying other extensions too

This is an extra measure of protection, but remember that even if you register your domain with .com, it can still happen that third parties register the same name with another extension , which would harm your possession of the brand.

For example, even if you register a , someone else can register a or a .

Therefore, if you really want to secure your domain name, you should also register it with the local extensions of the countries where you plan to expand or with other variants.

Although this represents an additional expense, you will be avoiding potential problems later. Mainly because you don’t want to end up competing with another site with the same domain name but a different TLD.

Some other things that can be avoided with this:

  • Let them create fake sites, which look like yours but are not (to fool your potential customers).
  • Have them register some of those missing TLDs and then try to sell them to you at a much higher price.
  • That they confuse your TLD and cannot access your website.

8. Help yourself with a domain name generator

This is another type of help you can use if you find it difficult to choose a web domain.

Name generators are very easy to use and also surprisingly useful. All they need is a keyword from you, a seed keyword (or seed phrase) and they will provide you with tens or even hundreds of suggestions, full of valid and available domain names that you can register immediately.

The best tools are:

– LeanDomainSearch , created by Automattic . 

The Shopify Business Name Generator .

– Nameboy : Needs more specific input and works best once you have a general idea of ​​what you want to stick with your name.

10. Choose a domain name that you can legally own

Registering a domain, although it provides you with an online address, is not a legal endorsement for your brand . Registering a trademark is a different process, which must be carried out before the legal offices of each country.

Therefore, a domain name may be available, but there may be a registered trademark with that name, which could cause you legal problems in the future.

So, as a general rule of thumb, whenever you have a good domain name idea and are about to register it, just Google the name and go through all the results on the first and second pages. You can also review a list of trademarks registered in your country.


Other recommendations

Don’t despair if your perfect domain name isn’t available

If the domain name you really want is already in use, it’s not the end of it. Probably, you can still hold it in your hands. This is what you can do:

If the domain name is not in use (there is no website or the domain is parked and only shows ads), then there is a chance that the owner just bought it to sell it later. You will likely find contact information on that parked website. If there is no information, use to get the owner’s email.

Register your accounts in social networks corresponding to the domain

It is not necessary for me to talk to you about the importance of social networks today. In addition to creating your website with your own domain, you must create profiles on social networks that correspond to the name of your brand (and your domain).

Whenever possible, choose users that are identical to your domain name . If they are no longer available, get creative and use some suffixes or prefixes.

Choose a trusted domain registrar

Domain registrar is a company that registers a domain name in your name and then gives you full access to that domain.

The key with registrars is to only use reputable and trustworthy companies. In Godaddy ,Namecheap and Hostinger you can register your domain with complete confidence. I strongly Recommended Godaddy for Domain Registration and Hostinger for hosting.

Register your brand

In addition to choose a domain name for your business, if you want to have legal ownership of your brand and ensure that no one can force you to remove your website or social media profiles, you must register your trademark .

It is a procedure that you can carry out in the offices of each country to obtain rights to your company or business and prevent third parties from using your brand.

Frequent errors when choosing domain

In short, here is a reminder of what NOT to do when choose a domain name

  • Use of numbers or hyphens
  • Choosing an unreliable registrar
  • That your domain is too long
  • A difficult domain to write or pronounce
  • Choose a domain name for blog ,business that is very similar to another
  • Do not check if the domain is free on social networks
  • Take a long time to register
  • Not registering your trademark


If you have come this far, I assume that you are very clear about how to choose a domain name for blog for your website. You will see, once you have already chosen it, registering your domain is a matter of seconds.

  1. You write your domain name
  2. Choose the extension you prefer
  3. You check the availability
  4. And you buy it!

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