11 Things You Should Know Before Start A blog

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Starting a blog and driving traffic to the blog .There are various ways to earn money from blogging in the long run.

No one can argue with that. WPBeginner started as a simple blog in 2009, and is now an 8-figure company over the years.

But nowadays blogging is getting tougher day by day due to increasing competition. Start your blog wrong, and it will consume more of your time until you make it profitable.

Before anyone starts blogging, it is very important to know some essential blogging techniques, so that you can save time and start the blogging journey easily?

So Creating a blog goes beyond having a striking website and writing articles that we think are interesting. There are a numerous of processes and elements that we must consider about .

In this mega article I will try to explain every detail so that you can produce a high-impact and 100% functional blog, shall we start ? 11 Things You Need to Know Before You Start a Blog in 2023

1. Blogging Takes Time & Effort

Blogging is a longtime journey.It takes time and effort to build a following around your content and get people in your community to trust you

Many people get into online activities such as blogging with the hope of making quick money and think of blogging as a “get rich quick” way.

Blogging is a long process to be successful, but once you start growing, you will never look back.

So this is the best long term strategy to make money blogging and monetize your skills.

2. Decide What to Blog About

Most people start a blog out of passion. But they make a mistake in choosing the topic of their interest in order to increase the readership of the blog quickly. So they cannot easily succeed in blogging career.

It’s 2023 and people don’t want to read everything under the sun on a single blog. They like authority blogs.

If you don’t provide quality content on your blog, then you can’t be successful and expert in blogging career.

So when you start you need to be known for niche and something. And then you can branch out as you go into related topics.

For example, if you create a marketing blog, you can talk about copywriting, blogging, SEO, podcasting, video marketing, list building, conversion optimization, etc.

A good strategy is to talk about and focus on one topic until people know you’re an expert on that little thing. And in place of the halo effect, people will consider you an expert on everything related to that core topic.

Brian Dean did just that. He just started talking about link building. After he became an expert in link building, he began to focus on other aspects of SEO, and heard people consider him an expert.

He even started talking about conversion optimization and video marketing and people listened.

So focus on one topic, niche down and then branch out into related topics as you grow.

3. Choosing the Right Domain Name for Your Blog

A Domain name can once in a while make or harm your blog. If people misunderstand your name, they won’t understand what you’re writing until they read multiple posts that no one else can.

So you must have a good domain name.

Here are some tips for a good domain name:

  • .com is still king.
  • Easy to understand domain names are still best. Like Blogging-guides.com and Loudmeshout.com.
  • Do not use hyphens or numbers.
  • Make sure your domain doesn’t have any copyright issues

Most importantly, you should avoid free domain names like name.blogspot.com. First, it’s long and it doesn’t look professional. Why should anyone trust you as an expert if you can’t spend 10 bucks a year on a domain name?

You can buy your domain from a registrar like Godaddy.com. This is the cheapest domain name registrar. You can also get a free domain name from Hostinger by getting web hosting from them.

Read More : How to choose a domain name for Blog-10 Keys factors Remind

4.Choosing The Best Blogging Platforms

When you already have all of the above, you should focus on which platform you will host your blog. 

There are many free and paid blogging platforms that will help you, you just need to choose the one that best suits your needs and offers the features that you need.

I will leave you some options so that you can review them later and take the one that suits you.


This is the one we use, it works very well for us and it has a wide variety of editing and SEO options that allow us to ensure good positioning. 

WordPress is perfect for those people who do not have much experience or knowledge in creating websites, since it is very intuitive and easy to use.

It has a free version and a paid version. And it is the number one used for the creation of blogs.

 I think that it is a good option, visiting its page you will be able to see everything that it offers and the advantages that it promises.

Read More: How to Start a WordPress blog for free for Beginners


This is another of the most used platforms for creating blogs and that is why I mention it in second place.

 It promises to be very intuitive and allows you to create your blog just by dragging and dropping the elements you want to add.

 It has a lot of templates that you can use and adjust to what you want.

It also has SEO tools that will help you position your blog. 

When choosing, you should take this as a must have , regardless of the platform you choose to create your blog, having an SEO segment is very important for the growth of your blog and its optimization.


This is the Google platform for you to create your own blog. It allows you to create blogs without the need to have your own hosting, but you can use your own domain if you prefer. Blogs are hosted on Google servers.

This tool does not have as many options and elements as the previous ones, however it is still widely used, since it is still quite functional.

Read More : How To Migrate Your Blog from Blogger To WordPress

5. Choosing Best Hosting for Your Blog

If you want to own your blog and customize your blog as you wish. required. It is not a good idea to go with a free blogging platform like Blogspot.

Blogger Platform can easily terminate your account without notice. Instantly, all your efforts and the community you have built will come to an end if Blogger closes your account. Then you have to start from scratch.

I recommend Self Hosted WordPress for Blogging. You need to get your own hosting to use WordPress. Where you can host all your content.

But if your hosting is not good then no benefit will come. This will add more headaches to you in the future. That’s why you need to go with a reliable host.

Here at Blogging-Guides, we use Hostinger hosting. Hostinger is the best hosting for newbies which provides you with free domain and free sale certificate for one year.

6. Self-Hosted WordPress.org is Still the Best Blogging Platform

WordPress.org has been right here forever. Many blogs have adopted its technology since its launch. Even magazines like the Huffington Post use it.

And till date, self-hosted WordPress platform is still the best blogging platform you can have. Developers are working and developing it every day so you can go.

However, don’t get confused by the two types of WordPress – WordPress.org and WordPress.com. Only WordPress.org offers self-hosted solutions. That’s why we recommend it.

The most important advantage of WordPress.org is the flexibility you get with this platform. You can add plugins to help you do just about anything.

The marketplace is full of sites that offer free and premium plugins to help you do just about anything. Also, the huge number of themes available will help you find one that suits you perfectly.

Read More :I Have A Domain Name Now what? Things To Do Next 2023

7.Learning internet marketing is important to grow your blog’s audience

Now that you’re done and your blog is up and running, all you have to do is post content and hope it goes viral, and your audience will magically appear, right?

This strategy will get you nowhere especially in 2023 when competition has increased dramatically, and people have more resources than you.

That’s why you need to learn internet marketing to grow your blog. You want to spend extra time promoting your blog than writing it withinside the first place.

Also, you need to learn copywriting to know how to write interesting content that will get people on the internet to read your posts. You are not just writing another essay in your college. Your job is to force people to learn.

You need to let people read your post from start to finish.Learn the way to write a magnetic headline, the way to write a mouthwatering introduction, the way to near with a style, and the way to shape your post.

With all this in mind, you really need to learn internet marketing and invest the time and money to do so.

If you are just a beginner, I would recommend you to take one of these blogging courses.

8 . Consistency is the key to blogging success

As you know by now, blogging is a long-term strategy. You need to work consistently for several months before you start seeing results.

Ignoring your blog and visiting it from time to time is not the way to build a business. You must be consistent. Set a posting schedule that you are going to stick to. You don’t need to post content every day, I don’t recommend you do anyway.

You can post twice weekly, or once weekly, or once every 2 weeks. Just set it, and stick with it.

9 . A Gorgeous looking blog design is important

Many people slap any blog design and go with it when they start. Some people even leave the default theme in WordPress and neglect to change it.

Your design is more important than you think. Derek Halpern says that design is king, not content.

When people come and visit a blog, everything from how the blog looks, typography, your writing style is important for them to stay. This is next to the quality of your content.

Have a bad design and a bounce rate so high that people won’t even read your blog.

That is why it is wise to spend some money to buy a good WordPress theme with good support.

Here at Blogging-Guides, I use Rishi Theme. I recommend GeneratePress, MyThemeShop and Divi for bloggers.

10. Building an email list is a must

When you ask most big bloggers you know what their #1 mistake is, 90% of them will say not building an email list from scratch.

Email is still #1 for reaching people.

People may come to visit your blog, like the content, and then leave without ever hearing from you again.

Instead, you can capture their email address and contact them over time, so they get to know you and trust you. And after some time, you can sell your product/service to them and pay you without much sales talk because they already know you.

It’s also a great way to send traffic to any new post without any effort.

Your most important task as you go is to get high quality subscribers as your blog grows. This is more important than your pageviews/months etc.

11. Treating your blog as a business and investing money in it

As you know, you are building a business, and you can start with virtually no money, but this is not a smart strategy to go with.

You need to invest money in a domain and a best web host and a good design as we mentioned above. You need to invest in some good plugins to make your blog run more smoothly.

You also need to invest money in yourself and learn more about internet marketing and how to grow your blog and your email list.

And once you make money, don’t take everything off the table. Invest more cash in your blog and grow it further. Blogging is a long-term strategy.

You have to play for the long haul. That’s how you win the game.

Just play for the long haul and invest in your business, and don’t just take money off the table.

The unique side is much better at the same time as you win and characteristic a successful sustainable business..


So these are the 11 things you should know before starting a blog to get a good start.

If you need any help on this matter, feel free to ask me through comments.

And if you find this post useful then help me by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter

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