Daily SEO Tasks list: 12 Tasks to Perform Daily

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To be successful, SEO activities need to be done on a regular basis. By staying up to date and refining your strategy every day, you have to complete daily SEO tasks list and you can gain a competitive advantage over your market rivals and sleep easy knowing your website is Google compliant. Do you want to discover our daily SEO tasks list? Keep reading!

Daily SEO Tasks List

To be successful in SEO and wank to rank higher in google to your website ,you must work daily basis. Here in this post I am describing 12 Daily SEO Tasks List .These are given below step by steps-

1. Monitor Google SEO Search Console

Daily SEO Tasks List

Google Search Console is a basic tool that every SEO specialist knows like the back of his hand. With its use, you can easily check things like:

  • Clicks – With daily traffic analysis, you will be able to constantly monitor if the number of visits to your website is growing. Also, thanks to this data, you can easily track your progress and check if the SEO activities carried out bring the desired results.
  • Impressions : If you want to see if your visibility in search results is increasing, impressions are the metric that will allow you to evaluate it. Using it, you can check how many times your website appeared in search results in a specific time range.
  • Most popular keywords and pages – Google Search Console is also a great place to see which keywords have the highest conversion potential. Since ratings fluctuate frequently, it is important to monitor them daily. This will allow you to quickly react to any changes or trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Furthermore, GSC allows you to  check which pages generate the most organic traffic . If you frequently post new articles or content, you should check Google Search Console at least several times a week to ensure that your website is performing properly.

  • Index Coverage Report – This report will permit you to check the huge form of all pages crawled with the useful resource of the use of Google. It can be useful for troubleshooting indexing on your website and checking if Google has crawled important parts of the content.

2. Monitor Google Analytics

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Google Analytics tracking is another position on our daily SEO to-do list . With Google Analytics, you can monitor your website visitors and audience. This data will help you plan your marketing efforts and gauge their effectiveness.

What should you monitor daily?

  • organic traffic sources
  • Number of recorded sessions
  • Number of audience to your website
  • Amount of time stay on a particular page
  • You Web Page Bounce Rate
  • User demographics: Where do the users who visit your website live and what devices do they use?
  • conversions

3. Check the website for errors

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It’s every other factor where Google Search Console is available in handy.. Error analysis is one of the most essentials SEO tasks that you should perform on a daily basis.

Errors can have a detrimental impact on the operation of the website and the positions in the search results. If there are too many issues with your page, your SERP rankings may deteriorate.

Therefore, it is essential to continuously monitor website errors and, when they occur, eliminate them as quickly as possible.

What errors should you pay special attention to?

  • 404 – This error occurs when a server cannot find a particular page (404 page not found)
  • 500 – appears when there are internal server problems (500 internal server error)
  • bad redirects: every page on your website should have a correct 301 redirect to the parent version of the page (for example, from HTTP to HTTPS)
  • broken links: these are hyperlinks that no longer work. You need to find and replace them with working links as soon as possible.
  • Duplicate Content  – ​​If there is a high level of internal duplication on your site, Google may penalize it. Therefore, replace duplicate phrases with new and unique content.
  • insecure pages: each page must have a valid HTTPS protocol, pages without this protocol are considered insecure

4. Monitor website speed

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When preparing your daily SEO Tasks list, you should not forget about website speed monitoring. It is an important Google ranking factor, which has a critical impact on both search result positioning and UX.

Are you looking for quick website speed gains? Focus on the following elements:

  • image size,
  • redirect Strings,
  • slow server response time
  • Uncompressed HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code.

Once the speed of the website improves, you should constantly monitor it.

How do you do it fast?

It is best to do it through  Google PageSpeed ​​Insights  . Check your site URL a few times a week and see if anything changes or if your site still loads fast .

Pay special attention to the loading time of the website on mobile devices.

After all, more and more users are taking advantage of smartphones to complete transactions!

5. Check keyword ranking

This point probably doesn’t surprise you, but  you should check the positions of the most important keywords in search results almost every day,  especially if:

  • introduces any changes to the site, both in terms of content and technical modifications,
  • Google announces set of regulations updates while your positions can exchange drastically.

The vast majority of SEO experts report that they track keyword rankings on a daily basis. As you could see, this project is genuinely important, so be part of this group!

How to track keyword ranking?

You can of course do it manually, but this would be time consuming. Therefore, it is much faster to use available tools like Serprobots, Ahrefs or SEM Rush.

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Google trusts websites that have a large number of backlinks from trusted domains with high parameters.

If you want to rank high in search results, you should also pay attention to missing backlinks and try to fix them. It’s another quick win that will help you restore your page’s good visibility and rankings.

Many people underestimate backlinks, however, without a doubt, they have  enormous SEO power . Make sure the number of backlinks to your website increases gradually and constantly get new links from quality domains. It will allow you to increase your domain rating and domain authority parameters.


7. Be active on social media

Social networks have a great impact not only in the creation of a brand image or in the improvement of communication with customers, but also in SEO.

According to the most famous SEO tools like Moz or Ahrefs, social media platforms have very excessive parameters and traffic. Consequently, Google shows larger companies that are active on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Also,  social media platforms are a great tool for building user relationships . Publish valuable content that interests your audience and increase user engagement. Tell your followers on Facebook or LinkedIn about the articles published on your blog.

Has your company attended a major industry event? Add photos to your Instagram profile. You have many opportunities. Attract your target visitors and work yourself as an professional withinside the field..

8. Keep your content up to date

Do you want to show Google and users that your page offers up-to-date and quality content? If so, you should focus on  updating your website regularly .

The world around us is changing at an expanded rate. If you want to keep up with your rivals in the market, you need to do everything in your power to make your offer and your website stand out from the crowd.

Do you have old blog posts that used to do just fine two or three years ago? Why don’t you update them and supplement them with new data, graphics, videos, images or videographics?

Show Google that you are active and strive to provide users with high-quality, cutting-edge content. This will quickly translate into better visibility and rankings in search results.

9. Optimize your content

The content is king, so you must take special care of it. If you want Google to love your website, you need to offer  top-notch content that is SEO friendly , bringing value to users.

Content that is responsive to user needs and engaging will quickly reach the top 10 search results.

Read More :What should you avoid when developing a search optimize website?

What should you focus on when creating new pieces?

  • They must adapt to the needs of your target audience,
  • use keywords that are important to your business and have high conversion potential,
  • focus on long-form content: create articles or blog posts,
  • its content must be updated,
  • Add references to surveys, case studies, or quotes from well-known people, you increase the reliability of your content.

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10. Beware of cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is when multiple pages on a website are optimized for the same keyword.

Why should you look for it and focus on it in your daily SEO tasks list?

It can also be confusing for users, who may not be sure which page to click on when they see multiple results for the same keyword.

How to check if your pages have been cannibalized?

Type “site:websiteaddress.com” plus keywords into Google and analyze your search results.

To avoid keyword cannibalization, it is crucial to conduct thorough keyword research to identify which phrases should be assigned to each page of your website.

Proper optimization and keyword analysis will help you organize the content of your website and avoid situations where Google is not sure which keywords a given page should be displayed for.

11. Checking for your duplicate content

Duplicate content occurs when the same content appears on multiple websites or on more than one page within the same website. It can be very dangerous and detrimental to a site’s position in search results.

Copying content from other sites or within your site will significantly reduce your online visibility and may even result in a Google penalty.

It is worth mentioning that Google determines the author of the content based on parameters. So just  because you wrote the content first doesn’t mean Google will recognize you as the author.

If this content is copied by a site with higher parameters than yours, it will be credited as the author.

How to check for duplicate content?

You can enter a piece of content in quotes into Google and see how many results there are. You can also use tools for duplicate checker like  Siteliner . It will quickly show you internal duplicate content on your website.

To solve the problem, simply create new, unique content for each page and make sure it contains specific keywords for each page.

12. Low-quality content cleanup

That’s the last item on our daily SEO to-do list . Low-quality content cleanup is the process of removing pieces of content that do not add value to users and have a negative impact on your recognition.

This may include  removing content that is misspelled or irrelevant to your audience . To determine which pieces need to be removed, you must first perform a content audit to identify the pieces that are of no benefit to you.

Also, if your website contains shoddy pieces that Google shouldn’t consider when determining your ranking, but you don’t want to remove them,  you can always block them in your robots.txt file . In this way, they will not affect their positions in the SERPs, but will still be accessible to users.

Daily SEO Tasks List: The Takeaway

That’s the end of our daily SEO checklist. If you want your website to be successful in the search engines, you must continually monitor the effects of your SEO activities.

Create your checklist of things to check daily, weekly, and monthly. This will allow you to monitor the site’s visibility in search results, website traffic and keyword positions at all times.




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