How To Index Site To Google ? (Step by Step Guides)

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Indexing a site to Google is a process that allows your web pages to exist in search engines. This means that if you can’t get Google to index your website, it won’t be in Google’s search engine. Google is the largest and most used search engine in the world, so you need to make sure that your website is indexed in Google.

We know it may seem strange, because maybe you are looking at your website right now and you are thinking that we are wrong, your website exists. And you’re right, but that doesn’t mean your website really matters.

For example, you just created your new website and are running it on Google. If you try to Google it now, you’ll find that your website is nowhere to be found on the results pages.

You need to index your website in Google so that it is accessible to people who are looking for the type of services you offer. When you get Google to index your website, you are saying: “make me available to the world”.

Once Google has indexed your website and it is accessible, you have already entered the race to make your website visible, and, above all, to appear in the top positions. After all, we all want to be in the first position. 

We are aware that all of this may sound very technical, but don’t worry. In this article we will guide you to get your website indexed in Google, while clearly understanding what you are doing in each step of the process. 

It is very easy to follow the steps that we will give you to help you with the configuration, but we will also help you to be comfortable, since we will tell you what exactly Google does when it indexes your website. So prepare yourself!

What is Index Site To Google?

Indexing your web page in Google is key in an SEO strategy. If your website is not indexed, it does not exist for the search engine. That easy.

It is as if you intend to study a career and do not present the registration so that your application is registered with your data and notes. 

When we talk about indexing, we refer to “publishing” our web page within search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Well the same. 

Before positioning anything, Google goes through your website and detects the pages you have, as well as the links to the new site. Using this information to update your index. 

If it decides to index your website, it is telling you that sooner or later you will be able to be among the search results. 

That is, you are already enrolled to be able to enter the exams. 

In order for your website to appear in the places that everyone wants (on the first pages), you must work with a good SEO strategy and provide a certain quality and originality to your content. 

Google highly values ​​a good user experience, therefore, if the user is happy, Google is happy too… and vice versa. 

This search engine tracks billions of websites, so I advise you to make things easy for it so that it can easily track your website. 

How do I do it? 

That’s what this article is about. Are you coming? 

How to know if my page is indexed? 

To know if your page is indexed you have it easy.

  1. Go to Google and put the word “site:” in the bar and then, without spaces, the domain. 

Example, if the name of your website is it should be as follows.

Index site to google

The pages that give you as a result will be those that are indexed by Google. The first, the one at the top, is your domain page, usually the home page. If yours does not appear, it may be that:

  • Your page is still too new and Google hasn’t detected it yet. 
  • It may be that you have suffered some penalty from the search engine. 

In either case, you can rely on Google Search Console to resolve it, as we will see below.

  1. On the other hand, if you want to know if only one url has been indexed in google, you must follow almost the same step.

As with the domain, put the word “site:” and the domain immediately, in this case we will put “site:” and the url of the page that we want to verify if it is indexed. 

If the snippet of this page appears, it is because it is indexed.

Index site to google

I understand that all this may seem like a lot of confusion, but it is important to index your website in Google so that it can position you. 

We continue.

Through Search console.

I assume that you already know this tool, but if it is not the case I will give you a quick summary before continuing. 

Google Search Console is a Google application that helps you control and position your website, completely free of charge. 

It is very useful because you can know at all times how Google is viewing your website and, more importantly, what to do to improve positioning. 

Being able to analyze details such as analyzing the traffic on your website, measuring the conversion rate, detecting security problems, taking care and analyzing the performance for both PC and mobile, etc. 

With that said, off the hook. 

To know if it is indexed.

  1. Go through Search Console. 
  2. Click on url inspection
  3. You put the url of your website.
  4. The tool will tell you if it is indexed or not. 

Fast and easy.

Then I’ll tell you how to index your web page in Google through this application, in case you haven’t done it yet or it’s hard for you to do so. 


I have already told you how to check if the process of indexing your website in Google was satisfactory or not. 

Now we are going to take one more step and I am going to give you some tips so that Google robots do not overlook your website.

Grab paper and pen.

  1. Give the sitemap the importance it deserves and make sure that your website or blog has it. 

Hey, for a second… But what is the sitemap ?

As the word says, it is the map of your website, the map that gives the search engine information about the path that the crawler must travel (a robot that crawls the Internet looking for the best options for each search).

To give an example, to give you an idea, imagine that you have a textbook with 1,200 pages and you want to know its distribution to make specific queries. 

Is it preferable that it has an index and an organization chart or better that it has nothing and you have to stop page by page? Well similar, give Google the greatest of facilities.

The sitemap contains the urls of the web and makes it easier for Google to go through the process. 

  1. Make sure you have your Google Search Console account open and your sitemap active.
  2. If you use wordpress.
  • The option “discourage search engines from indexing this site” should be unchecked, otherwise your site will be blocking indexing.
  • In the yoast SEO plugin make sure you do not have the no-index checkbox checked.
  1. Keep in mind that your blog must have robos.txt and be well configured, check that it does not block important crawlers. 

I explain.

When you start your project and want to index your web page on Google, I advise you to create a text file (txt. extension) on your domain to give the search engine all the information you want it to know. This way you will be helping Google. (We will give more information about this later)

Remember, make it as easy as possible for him. He will thank you sooner or later.

In turn, this file is also used so that bots or robots do not add data or information that you do not want to appear.

Read More : How To Create Sitemap WordPress? Step By Step Guides.

What is the process that search engines follow to index a web page? 

We all want to appear on the first pages of this search engine, so that users can access our project. 

From the moment you search until you offer your options, there is a process.

But as the TV show says… How do you do it? 

I summarize it in three phases, come with me.

1. Tracking of spiders or crawlers

The crawler software of this search engine (crawler in English) is called Googlebot and constantly browses the web in search of new pages or updates to existing ones.

es, the tracker has more work than those who put up the Christmas lights in Vigo.

Well, this is in charge of discovering new pages.

With two options.

As long as you find them linked to other sites that you already knew.
Or when the webmasters (site administrators) give you the information through the sitemaps (explained a little above).

2 . Indexing

After finding the new pages or updates, Google goes on to analyze and interpret the found content, classifies it and adds it to its index.

We have already achieved what we wanted, Google has us in its database (index) and we are available. Now it’s time for you to rate us and decide where you rank us for each keyword.

3. Publication and Positioning

The last little step happens when the user does the search and Google, through its famous algorithms, finds in its index what may be the most accurate answer towards the way to resolve the intention of said user. 

This is why Google will never give you a website that sells motorcycles if your search is “yoga for beginners”.

As we already know, you can offer us websites, images, videos…

How to index Site To Google Manually?

To index a website in Google manually, you have the possibility of using several tools that can give you good results. 

In addition to Google search console, there are others external to the search engine, I present them to you in the following section. 

Index with google search console

We start with Google (which is the most advisable), the process is not difficult, but it can take longer than expected to give us the result we want. 

You should always keep in mind that SEO and immediacy are not good friends. So, patience, working well you will achieve goals.

I tell you the steps.

Index with Google Search Console

  1. Sign up for the tool and create a web property.
  2. Send the url of your sitemap to search console (don’t worry, we’ll explain it later),
  3. Go to url inspection and place the one you want to index
  4. Request indexing and, as in the supermarket queue, you have to wait.

In extreme cases, it may take almost a year to complete the process and sometimes time passes and it is not indexed. 

Well shit, you’re saying, but don’t worry. If you do it well there is usually no problem and after time you achieve the goal.

Although you can help advance this process by putting links from other websites, this way when googlebot goes through these other websites, it will read the link and follow it until it reaches the destination page of the link (your website) and discovers it. 

When you discover it, you will already know that it exists, therefore it is easier for you to index it. Here are some tips to index it naturally.

Index with One hour indexing

Indexing a web page with one hour indexing is not a very good idea if it is yours. They are black hat seo tools and are usually used when “x” web gives you a backlink and you want to quickly index this specific page of that website so that Google detects your link as soon as possible.

One our indexing, like Link centaur, are tools not verified by Google, so it is unknown how they get google to index the page. That is why we do not know if we can be penalized for indexing our website with these tools.

In extreme cases, if you urgently need to index a page, you can use them for your website since Google will hardly penalize you. But only for one page, do not abuse these tools or Google will penalize the web.

The same applies to this indexing tool as the previous one, it is external to Google and it is not known if the practices it uses can be penalized by Google.

How to Index My Site in Google Naturally? 

We have seen how to request indexing, but if you have problems or “little things that are not right” this will not solve anything. You will simply fall into the black hole of the non-indexed. 

That is why it is convenient that you review these details that I summarize below. 

1. Check the robots.txt

One of the reasons why Google is not indexing your website may be due to a blocking of a robots.txt file (we saw what they were a little above).

How do I know if this is happening?

We are entering a slightly more technical terrain, I will explain in detail. 

1. To verify it, enter your domain followed by the words robots.txt.

This way. “”

2. Google will give you a code, parse the result and look for one of these two snippets.

1.User-agent: Googlebot</p>
3.User-agent: *
4.Disallow: / 

3. This piece of code is sending a direct message to Google and that if the search engine spoke it would start a conversation with you more or less like the following:

  • Thanks to these bits of code, I’m not allowed to crawl any page on your website, Google said. 
  • Ok thanks for telling me. But how do I do so that you can track it? It would be your answer.
  • Relax, don’t worry. Only by eliminating the two fragments you are already leaving the way free for my tracking. 
  • Perfect, thanks for everything. I hope you index soon.

It could also happen that a crawl block in robots.txt is the cause of Google not indexing a specific page. 

To find out if this is happening you just have to do the following. 

  1. Paste the url into the Google search console tool “url inspection”
  2. Click on the coverage block for more detailed information.
  3. Look for the following error:
    “Is crawling allowed?
    No:Blocked due to an error in robots.txt”

If this were happening, you would just have to do another review of the robots.txt file and look for any disallow rules that are related to the section in question. 

To unblock the situation, eliminate those that you think are necessary. 

2. Check that the pages you want to index are NOT in noindex.. 

There are pages that you may not want to index, which can be useful to keep them private.

I show you two ways to do it, keep reading.

To easily know if a page can be indexed or not, you can use the robots exclusion checker extension . This extension lets you know if it is blocked either by the noindex meta tag or by robots.txt.

Anyway, here we show you how to do it manually.

Method 1: meta tag

First. What is a meta tag?

They are the html tags that are placed in the header of any page but are invisible to a normal user.

On the other hand, for browsers or other programs they can be quite useful.

Well, the first of the two parts of this html tag is called “head”.

do you follow me 

Well, if one of these meta tags that I put below appears in this head section (first part of the html), they will NOT be indexed by Google. 

  1.  &lt;meta name=“robots” content=“noindex”&gt;
  2.  &lt;meta name=“googlebot” content=“noindex”&gt;

If you’re wondering why this happens, it’s because these are robots meta tags that send information to search engines to tell them whether or not they can index the page.

The key to this is the keyword “noindex”.


  • If it appears, that page will not be indexed.
  • If it does not appear, it is prepared to be. 
  • If noindex appears and you want Google to consider it for indexing, you just have to delete the word.

If you want to find the pages that have the word “noindex” in the meta tag…

  1. Do a crawl in ahrefs (SEO tool) in the Site Audit section.

Don’t panic, you just have to go to and you will see the option “optimize your website. Site Audit” and from there there is no loss.

  1. Go to the indexability report.
  2. Look for “noidex page” warnings.

Likewise, you click on the pages that contain it. And if you want it not to happen, you just have to delete it. 

Method 2: X-Robots-Tag

Another way to block indexing can be due to the X-Robots-Tag HTTP response header. This is used by means of a PHP script executed from the server, also from the .htacces or configuring it in the hosting.

Google search console, in the url inspection section, will reveal if the page cannot be indexed for this reason. To solve it you will have to write the url and then find the section where it says “Is indexing allowed? No: ‘noindex’ detected in http header ‘X-Robots-Tag.

This step is quite technical, we recommend that you leave it in the hands of an expert.

3. Create a sitemap with the urls you want to index

As we already saw in the first part of the article, a sitemap is the map of your website. What I told you about that contains all the urls and such. Learn how to Create sitemap


Well, through this map you can tell Google which pages of your website you give more importance to or direct it to re-crawl some pages with some frequency.

It is true that Google, in theory, should find the pages of your website without the help of the sitemap. But as you well know, it’s better to make it easy for him.

To verify that your page is on your sitemap, I advise you to use the Google search console tool “url inspection”. 

  • If you notice that you get the error “the url is not in Google” and “sitemap:N/A” then it is clear. The page is not on your sitemap or indexed. 

Other options in case you don’t use Google search console.

  1. Go through the url of your sitemap and see for yourself.


You can almost always do it by putting the name of your domain accompanied by the word sitemap.xml and then looking for the page “Sitemap search”

Normally it is usually like this “”

This is mine:blogging-guides/sitemap_index.xml

  1. Do a crawl in Ahrefs Site Audit to see all those pages that can be crawled and indexed but are not currently within your sitemap.

Go to page explorer and apply the filter “not in sitemap indexable”. The pages that appear should be on your sitemap, add them.

do you follow me

Once this step is done, tell Google loud and clear: “hey, I’ve updated my sitemap, you can come by whenever you want”.

We will notify you as follows: Ping (I’ll explain what it is below) on the following url.<complete_url_of_sitemap>

For example:

Here you would have to change the last part with the url of the specific sitemap, if everything is fine, “sitemap notification received” will appear. 

Which should speed up the process of the web indexing we are looking for. 

I don’t forget, I’m talking about the ping.

It is a command that helps us perform a diagnostic to verify the status of a local host connection. In other words, it helps us to know if a certain IP address or host is accessible from the network or not.

4 . Check the wrong canonicals

What is the canonical tag?

Let’s see, where do I start, how can I tell you…

Okay, first I’ll tell you what duplicate content is and then I’ll tell you the relationship with our word in question.

Duplicate content is those pages that the search engine considers to be identical or very similar. As they say in my town “they are clavaítas”.

Sometimes it is simply because the content has been plagiarized, that is, a copy-paste to use. But it can also be due to a problem with the urls, it is common for there to be several urls to access the same website.

Example: – –

If Google intuits that there is an intention to manipulate results with this duplicate content, then it will penalize it.

Just as having several urls for a single website causes Google to lose time along the way, so indexing will be more difficult or it will end up not doing the process well.

And what does it have to do with canonical tags?

To solve this problem, Google launched this tag a few years ago, which basically consists of telling the search engine which page we want to index out of all those that give us access.

For example, if we want it to be “”, we would tell it as follows.

Now we focus on an e-commerce.

I will explain it to you with an example, imagine an online pants store.

We have jeans in sizes 38, 40 and 42. As you can see there are different options so Google could consider duplicate content.

To avoid duplicate content in product sheets, it is important to use canonical tags. Tell Google which is your page to take into account or main page in the list of pages with duplicate content.

I explain.

If you decide that the main one is size 38 jeans, even though we have other size options, we are saying that it is the same product, so Google will not take the rest of the sizes into consideration.

The user will be able to look at the different options without the search engine taking the content into account, it will only do so with size 38 pants.

How do I do it?

With the rel=canonical. Like so.

Although if you use CMS like wordpress you can do it with plugins. For example yoast seo does it automatically.

Do not forget that Google greatly appreciates that you pave the way.

5. Check if any page is orphaned

When we talk about orphan pages, we refer to those that do not have any internal links that reach them, that is, that no link from your website sends you to it. 

Neither Google nor our website visitors will be able to identify them as they will have no means of discovering them.

But is this so important to index my website in Google? 

Yes, something you should check. 

How to find them?

You can use the screaming frog tool, with it you can easily analyze all the pages of your website. 

  1. Go to the internal tab.
  2. Observe the results it offers you.
  3. If you notice that a page on your site is not receiving any external links. Bingo! There you have an orphan page. 

Well, let’s go a little further, right?

It may be that…

  1. If one of the orphan pages doesn’t have much content, is duplicated, or you simply don’t want to have it, you might want to remove it and redirect to the most prominent page.
  2. If, on the other hand, it is a page that you want to have, I advise you to link it from a url that is accessible to both Google and the user. Keep in mind that it is linked to related content, otherwise the remedy will be worse than the disease. 

Let me tell you that this process will work for you if the pages to be indexed in Google are in your sitemap.

What is a nofollow link?

It’s a link with the rel=nofollow attribute and it’s telling Google spiders not to go there for crawling. 

Users can click, but the spider gets scared and passes by.

They prevent the transfer of PageRank, so we can say that a nofollow link does not position (at least directly).

Once you know this…

We only have to know the links that we have with the nofollow tag and decide what to do with them.

To do this, use the Ahrefs Site Audit tool and crawl your site. (If you do not have this tool, contact us and we will do it for you).

Next, it analyzes in the result the list of Links with the indexable pages that have the error “Page has no follow incoming internal links only” (“The page has only incoming internal links no follow”).

From there, all you have to do is…

  • Remove the nofollow tag from those links that you want Google to index. 
  • Delete the page or add a “no index” in case you don’t want it to index or want the page to be.
  • Leave it as it is, since you do not want it to index the page that has the “nofollow”.

7. Create good interlinking

Interlinking or internal linking, as you already know, are links that appear on your own website that lead to another page of your same project. 

It is important that you always keep this in mind and link to your page in question since Google discovers new content when crawling your website and it is possible that if you happen to link it, it will not find it. 

The solution is easy, add internal links that take you to the page.

I have some doubts Asier. 

Is it advisable to place those links on a specific page? Or does it matter and it only matters that it is linked?

I would tell you to do it from your most “powerful” or most authoritative page, this helps Google to index the web a little faster. But if you do it from another, we cannot say that it is something disastrous.

How do I know which is my strongest page?

  1. Go back to Ahref’s Site Explorer and enter your domain. 
  2. The tool will give a list with your links.
  3. Just look at the options that appear first. Since it will give you the result with the pages with the most authority at the beginning, for this it relies on a numerical value. 

After linking, paste the page from which you entered the internal link into Google’s url inspection tool. 

Report that you have changed something on the page so that the search engine gets through it as quickly as possible. 

How do I report it?

You only have to hit the “indexation request” button, this may make Google go a little earlier and thus discover the new link and therefore the page you want it to index. 

8. Avoid duplicate content

At this point I am going to stop a little. 

We have already seen the definition and how to avoid duplicate content, as well as the importance of not having it in the way of indexing a web page in Google. 


  1. Avoid copying (even a paragraph) external content. 
  2. Do not have pages with several different urls. 
  3. If your page has been copied, ask that it be removed and at least leave a link redirecting to your website.

Link building is nothing more than a strategy to obtain links from other websites to your specific page. In other words, links that you click outside of your project that link to yours. 

 These links that send users to our website are called backlinks and they help to generate authority, something that Google values ​​when it comes to indexing your website.

How do we get those links?

  • Create links on websites with similar themes, it is not about bringing users at all costs. Create a relationship with other pages on the same theme.
  • Paying, although it sounds somewhat unethical, there is also the possibility. I’ll leave it there.
  • Asking for it, it’s not about begging for anything. You can simply interact with other projects and make relationships in this sense. 

As they say, people understand each other by talking.  

Of course, always keep in mind that when someone reaches your page through a link, they get something they want to find and of good quality. 

I explain. 

It is not worth it for someone to click on your link ” how to do a keyword reserch ” and you give them very poor content or that it does not help them at all. This will be negatively valued by the search engine since it increases the bounce rate. 

Finally, try to make the link appear on a website that has traffic and, if possible, with some authority. If it is not possible and it appears on smaller websites, it is not a drama either.

Read More : How To Write Best Content For Your Blog

10. Avoid thin content

Imagine you’re hungry and you walk into two bars. 

  • Bar Loli: It offers you a tortilla sandwich from 4 days ago and little else.
  • Bar Manoli: Gives you a varied menu and offers you fresh products. 

No, I have not lost the clamp as you are thinking. Then I’ll tell you the reason for this situation. 

We return to ours.

We’ve talked a lot about Google and how to make things like it, but we shouldn’t forget who our content is for. 

To user. 

It is not worth doing something that is of no use or does not solve what the user is trying to search for. Therefore, forget about creating something of poor quality or without thinking about who it is for. 

This low-quality content is called “thin content”.

Perhaps you can read on other sites that your content does not have less than “x” words, but currently it does not work like that. 

There can be high quality content with less than 150 words, even with just one image. The important thing is that Google sees that you resolve the user’s search intention by providing good content. 

Ok, mentioned this, I tell you. 

If thin content predominates on your website, it can affect the crawl budget and that would already be a problem in the path of indexing the web in Google. 

Don’t worry, I didn’t leave without stopping to explain the Budget crawl. 

Put directly, it is the time that the bots spend on our website while they are crawling. So it’s interesting that they don’t leave right away. 

The situation we raised before left you in a street with two different bars. 

Who best solves what you need? 

Do not forget, it is better to be like the Manoli bar and make content that satisfies the user, instead of having something to get by like the Loli bar.

How to index web in other search engines

Index web in Bing

To index in bing, we will have to do it naturally. The bing crawler will have to discover our website and its pages. 

But how do I find them? 

Following the steps previously marked in the heading “how to index the web in google naturally”.

Index my website in Yahoo

To index a web in yahoo you will have to follow exactly the same steps. Go back to the header where it explains how to index a web page in google naturally and follow the steps.

Read More : What should you avoid when developing a search optimize website?

Frequently asked questions about how to make my website appear in google

Is it necessary to index the page in google to position?

Of course. You cannot position if you have not been able to index your website in google. It also answers the question “how to make my web page appear in google”, that is synonymous with indexing.

How to upload a web page to google

Indexing a page in google is not an easy task, but if you follow the steps I’m sure you’ll get it. Read this post to be able to index the web in search engines, we will help you in whatever is necessary.

How to make google read me a text?

Just have a good web indexing. It is so easy how to index the web in google, in this way you can read your texts and position yourself.

What to do if my wordpress page does not appear in google

You simply have to index the website in google, in this way google will realize the existence of your site. To do this, follow the ones previously marked in this post.

How to get your blog to appear on google

(It also answers the following question: “how to make my website appear in google”)

Exactly the same, check that you can index the web in google and follow the tips marked above to achieve it.

How To Make My Website appear in Google?

To make my web page appear in google you must index web page in google. Follow the advice in this post to index the web in search engines.

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